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發布時間: 2023-03-06 06:57:17

㈠ 牛仔舞用英語怎麼說

cowboy dance

㈡ 急 翻譯牛仔舞 英語

The origins of the cowboy dance and romantic feeling
1, come from the United States,4/4 music, every minute 42-44 minor point of conct.
2, characteristic:The music is warmly, the dance puts, step alacrity wave .The second claps for heavy clap, the department of is or so to put the adds its lap to play to move quickly, making its consume physical strength specially.
Cowboy dance( jive), originate the United States, is from a kind of choreographic development that call the " with " is since then, the cowboy dance picked and get rid of" with " inside all difficulties acts, increasing the some technique.Joted down to the cowboy dance at the earliest stage was danced by London teacher the book of an introction cowboy dance that Victor Silvester published in Europe in 1944.A , rock'n roll, the United States sways the dance all to cowboy dance influence having got certainly.
The cowboy dance is widely accepted the south of the United States.The joint of the cowboy dance hand and foot relaxs and dance at liberty, the body nature moves, the footstep steps relaxedly, and changes with dancing partner constantly, turn the turn revolves.
Cowboy dance music rhythm is 4/4 clap, flat-out every minute 43 minor point of concts are or so. The cowboy dance is quick with its music , supple characteristics in alacrity in humor and wit, step in in dance, get more and more persons likes!
The cowboy dance is a dance that a kind of rhythm is quick, consuming the physical strength.In game cowboy dance of so were arranged at jump finally is because contestants must let audience felt, after do ex- four dances they still do not feel tired, can still throw in a ground of greeting the new challenge very much.
Latin dances- basic top in cowboy( jive) all with eight rhythm to complete a basic step, dance step than the full of energy, variety is more.Latin dances- the cowboy( jive) is a kind of relaxing very much free choreographic.

㈢ 英文翻譯(關於舞蹈)

拉丁舞:Latin dance:
脫衣舞: Striptease:
鋼管秀:Steel pipe Show

㈣ 拉丁舞的舞種有幾個英文名字分別是什麼縮寫





恰恰起源於墨西哥,音樂為4/4拍,速度每分鍾31小節 左右。節奏是,two、three、chacha、one。每個數字站一拍,其中恰恰各佔半拍。恰恰恰,音樂有趣,節奏感強,舞態花俏,舞步利落緊湊,跳起來活潑可愛,在全世界廣流行。


最早記載是由倫敦舞蹈教師 Victor Silvester於1944年在歐洲出版的一本介紹牛仔舞的書。波普,搖滾,美國搖擺舞都對捷舞有著一定的影響。在比賽中捷舞之所以被安排在最後跳是因為選手們必須讓觀眾覺得,在跳了前四個舞之後他們仍不覺得累,還能很投入地迎接新的挑戰。









㈤ 平四,牛仔,恰恰等舞的英文名是什麼

國際標准交誼舞包括拉丁舞和摩登舞兩大系列共10個舞種。摩登舞(Modern Dance)包括華爾茲、維也納華爾茲、探戈、狐步和快步舞。拉丁舞(Latin Dance)包括倫巴、恰恰、桑巴、捷舞和鬥牛舞。國標舞中的拉丁舞包括:桑巴,倫巴,鬥牛,恰恰,牛仔。摩登舞(Modern Dance): 舞種名 英文名 發源地 節拍 速度(小節/分) 別稱 華爾茲 Waltz 德國 3/4 30 慢華爾茲、三步舞、圓舞 探戈Tango 阿根廷 2/4 40 歐洲探戈 狐步Foxtrot 英國 4/4 30 慢狐步 快步Quick Step 美國 4/4 50 快四步 維也納華爾茲 Viennese Waltz 奧地利 6/8 60 拉丁舞(Latin Dance): 舞種名 英文名 發源地 節拍 速度(小節/分) 別稱 倫巴Rumba 古巴 4/4 27 恰恰恰 Cha-cha-cha 墨西哥 4/4 30 桑巴/森巴 Samba 巴西 2/4或4/4 50 鬥牛舞 Paso Double 法國 2/4或6/8 62 捷舞/牛仔舞 Jive 美國 4/4 44

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