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發布時間: 2023-03-12 05:26:25

Ⅰ 帽子掛在椅子上用英語怎麼說 帽子在椅子上用英語怎麼說

The hat is hanging on/over the chair.
帽子在椅子上 The hat is on the chair.

Ⅱ 帽子在桌子上用英語怎麼說

帽子在桌子上:The hat on the table


as black as one's hat 墨黑的

in a hat 進退兩難

out of a hat 隨便地,任意地

without a hat 不戴帽子


hat for women 女帽

hat in hand 手拿帽子,脫帽致敬


have one's hat on 戴著帽子

pull one's hat over one's eyes 用帽子遮住眼睛

put on a hat 戴上帽子

raise one's hat to (脫帽)向…致敬

Ⅲ 在椅子上用英語怎麼說帽子在椅子上用

翻譯為 : The hat is on the chair.

Ⅳ 帽子在桌子上,手錶在書桌上,字典在書櫃里,棒球在床底下,兩支鋼筆在沙發上的鉛筆盒裡 英文翻譯

The hat is on the table. The watch is on the desk. The dictionary is in the bookcase. The baseball is under the bed. Two pens are in the pencilbox which is on the sofa.

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