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⑴ 怎麼樣在EXCEL表格中,輸入毛重數字後,單元格中會自動跳出KGS/CTN這樣的符號呢

比如你要輸入"RMB"# 就變成RMB數字。。


⑵ new balance m576kgs怎麼樣

1906年 New Balance創立於美國波士頓,專門替腳型特殊的人生產運動鞋

1960年 生產出世界第一雙多寬度的運動鞋

1972年 現任總裁兼首席執行官James S. Davis買下了New Balance公司,當時以手工生產五種寬度楦頭,兩種高度鞋面,成為鞋業界的創舉

1976年 榮獲「Runner's World」專業運動雜志評選為「慢跑鞋之王」

1999-2000 成為成長最快的運動品牌

2000年 悉尼奧運會中國國家田徑代表隊指定服裝

2000年 全美排名第二

2003年 正式登陸中國

2006年 New Balance成立100周年


⑶ 太平鳥風尚男裝歷史文化背景



⑷ 街舞Breaking比賽請KGS的做裁判怎麼樣


⑸ 勵磁系數單位換算KGS/A=T/A


⑹ 用英文介紹飛輪海

"The flywheel sea" is the Fahrenheit thermometer FAHRENHEIT English of in translate, be also"the flywheel sea" that the representative is constitute by four big boys, seem to the group that is constituted all the year round by the spring,the summer,autumn and winter, also is warm,blazing hot,cool and cool cold four seasons just as the four seasons, four members are the that comes from Canada the also represent WARM, the east city representative HOT, WU2 ZUN who comes from the then represents COOL, but fastens to attend in the university news still of 炎 second 綸 be the representative of the severely cold COLD.

Name: east city
Autonym:The east become
Ecational background:the renew beautiful work"establish a section widely"

Perform career:
☆☆ MTV ☆☆
The MAKIYO"return to you" MTV
Chang Huei-mei"remember"s MTV(take the lead that that the towel moves goods)
The beam is quiet to chorus a version such as"break up happiness"

☆☆ CF ☆☆
Drink the water cf"lie on the bathtub article" more
There is surname have no surname very the tea beverage
Come to an instant noodles"jilt a tail article"
The pedestal new bank u be card"Japan steep a soup article"
MOTOROLA the good gift is generous to send"taxi article"
The Lipton milk tea"broke a better article"
Shin-Kong life insurance"beautiful life article"
The flavor of[with] love is fresh to adopt the tomato juice"Porche article"

☆☆ Flat surface ☆☆
"The wood is wild to keep a clear show of person& village" clothing spokesperson...Have already been for three quarters!
The ps can see get in a lot of department stores, like:sogo, 華 city in city, depend on , the west door article etc....

☆☆ Drama ☆☆
The idol play"hear stupid goldfish sing a song"
The idol play"make practical joke it to kiss"
The idol play"ultimate end"

Autonym:The is a as well
Childhood name::CHEN2 YI4 RU2
English:Calvin(basically the friends all call so I)
Height:184 cm
Weight:65 kg
Ecational background:Vancouver Simon Fraser University university in Taipei First Boys School majors in the economic Victoria University of Victoria Master to major in economy
Blood type: A type
Shoe number:The 10.5th of US
The vital statistics: 37, 31, 36
Family member:An elder sister of father's mother
Favorite color:Blue white
Interest:The workout tennis sing a song
Character: Humor and wit humor
Specialty: Respond very quickly Hey Hey
Singing is how: Still don't depend on from recognize in top the of the recording teacher also says so
Near sight:The hour is a television child so two eyes are 550@s all@
Hair:Tiny book the past is super and do not love the person whom the super limit keeps hair but discover afterwards curl hair in fact do a shape and also do not depend on
Pet phrase:Have no special pet phrase
English ability:The ability of the foreign graate school hug
MV clapped:Take to be creations song a selection a champion a "irresistable" music videotape
Advertisement clapped:A heap of Canadian Vancouver sunlight boy the advertisement of the public-spirited activity probably has or so 5
Girl's type of appreciate:Qualities type
The family enter the viewpoint of the show business turn to the calvin:The book read that go the show business turn with infuriating private for me so and much so I need you strongly to hold to hand over a good result to give the daddy mama to see a certificate let them see!!
Like usually:Get together with good friend to do what all can because I value comity very much
Like movie category:Good-looking words' ignore is to act the comedy literature love terrible I love
Movie of love most:A lot of ㄟs however my liking very much's can pull his acting skill of any movie that the play is to have no words to say
Favorite singer: Saying rather is music category the and R& B of Hip Pop
Favorite actress:
Favorite actor:Dynasty of beam WU2 ZHEN4 YU3
Japanese entertainer like:The wood village is handsome
Favorite cartoon:The boy's love see of like seven dragon beads slam down a superior's absolute being type to protect too
Like to see where the novel of the type:
Nation want most :Canada seem my 2nd house is after all I was foolish for 7 years I want to take a tour around the world to like a dissimilarity very much of culture
Favorite music type:Hip Pop and R&B
Like what animal: Dog the super love is Canadian and kept two ratio bears and do not know your don't know this species has a little to be like MA3 ER3 JI4 before but aer little bit than MA3 ER3 JI4 big
Favorite food:Japanese Food and Western food..Junk food..哈
Like to read the book or top bookstore:Thought in the bookstore to drink coffee's reading a book to be the felling Hey that grew to enjoy to love very much to steal a moment of time in favour abroad before
Like shopping:Super love basically I go shopping super be like girl 哈 to go shopping with me of the boys all can not stand to feel my super meeting stroll very much
Harm afraid of thing: Frightened the matter likes sad affair O.K. but not like brokenhearted or fight with friend this type of of
Wear dress style usually:Two turn very much sometimes very recreational sometimes love to wear to play handsome 哈 very formally
Impression the most deep matter:7 year ago a person ascended Canadian life alone a person and has been leading for 7 years
Connect which piece the most hard CASE:O.K. ㄟ however summer's clapping a drama is really a hot heat
Hope the ability and all Fanses to do together what matter:Ordering to meet much will know you more I would be good to like to work hard to remember your name, you see me me only not more you of the name remind me one more of until I remember the is basically my power of memory is good
Was engaged in what work before being an entertainer: All studied to read aloud a graate school to be a school university teaching assistant in Canada
Like which type of book:
The first love and beginning kiss how old:16 years old high a
Talk over a few in loves:Very private oh however not much true 5 following all right
Dislike what kind of person:Be a both sides the person hug
Dislike what insect or animal:
The most shameful matter:
The most painful matter:
Dream: The show business turn's rushing a some kind of good result this is I currently the biggest wishes
To future expectation:
Calvin famous saying: Shakespear says: To be or not to be, that's a question..ha ha

Autonym:WU2 GENG LIN2
Skill:炎 Second
The call: Cloth
Blood type:O
Ecational background:the cultural university news fasten
Language:National language,English
Habit:Basketball,dance,sing a song,make friend,love to make strange
Character:Change much but greatly part of is the words are little like to get along with
The vital statistics:The chest measurement forgets ㄌ2836
Body condition:Slight spirit?
Specialty:Piano flute basketball
The most favorite group:Believe band
The most favorite actor:Andy Liou
The most favorite actress:The wood depends on a morning
The most favorite male singer:哈 Wood,wood's extraordinary talent
The most favorite female singer:LIN2 FAN2,beam quiet
Nation want most :All want
The most favorite music type:soul rock pop R&B hard rock jaz
Like most what things?Have the intention ㄉ thing
The most favorite color:Green blue yellow black
Girl's type of appreciate:The character comparison importance
Let the most unforgettable matter in your impression:First love of heart-broken...
The most shameful mtter:ㄟ ...Have the embarrassment occurrence how can on my body
Talk over how many in loves?The 哈哈 pretty many ㄉs
Dream:BE walk now the ㄉ will reach ㄉ in the future be my ㄉ dream
Think to household the member say of words:Your each ㄍ persons stick heart very much also lovely we want to encourage to pass colleges entrance examination together...(BE not) your each ㄍ persons are good friends with good care body to want health for certain everydays!! True !! Ignore to where the hearts is all and you ties
Send thing to want to send to to you where? 110 Taipei the city faith area street No.311 third floor the second accept

§ show business career:
2004 Anne the room love of beauty
2005 Make practical joke it to kiss
2005 Ultimate end
2005 Flywheel sea
2004 New light three more the second sunlight boy's selections is areas Taipei(preliminary contest)

Living a day 1980/10/10
Body high 182 cms
Body heavy 73 kgs
The 10th of the shoe number
The chest round 40
The waist round 31
The hip round 38
Past country

Character:Shy, see forget, the business is heavy.
Habit: Play basketball, do exercise to keep fit, read a book, listen to music, go to the movie, eat, cook with the trip.
Favorite color:See circumstance …
Favorite food: I love to eat very much, in addition to greasy food I eat everything.
Favorite beverage:Have no alcohol of chicken tail wine beverage MOCKTAIL
Favorite music: See a mood
Favorite place: New York
City want most : New York
Favorite movie: True colors of a hero
The most favorite season: Spring
Favorite cartoon character: Superman
The most favorite flower/HUA YU3 :Bulb of lily
How old first love:16 years old
Like an opposite sex type: To me, the most important 昰 felling.
The most disgusting affair:Lose my most important person
The biggest wishes: BE a good and successful person in the life
Did the most unforgettable affair: Be looking after mother before die
Did the most compunctious affair: Didn't spend enough time before mother die is nearby at her
Did the most courageous affair: Continue to pursue me in the business of the show business turn in Taiwan
WU2 ZUN at the is the body to teach to practice
Take front as the wood's mold son especially, now for fly one of a sea regiment members
Taiwanese new generation man the combination"the flywheel sea" from four outstanding boys constitute, the member includes the , east city,WU2 ZUN and second as well. As well 's hasing ever got to choose for the Canadian Sunshine Boyz is 2004 champions, and held the post of the warm current ambassador of Canadas.His attitude is humble, always beaming with smiles. The second is the cultural university news to fasten of excellent living, the all things attitude is earnest, there is superiority to sing with do not play piano vulgarly technique.The east city is the model identity way, perform several idol plays, at 《make practical joke it to kiss 》and 《ultimate end a class of 》the television drama star male leading role.WU2 ZUN YI way get to invite to hold the post of the idol play 《eastern Juliet 》 of male leading role, he at drama with sing a ratio other people to pay an effort of much several times, he listen to and thinks of home feeling patiently heavy.The flywheel sea is since way, the widely popular showbiz and the advertisement field, prospect's have no can capacity.

Album main dozen the quick song"I have my Young" emphasize a young ego attitude, the youth is to want to be different from the other people.This song from TANK quantity the body create a song with the table, express for youth of emotion, young of we are vibrant, and the action is all proper.This song uses the Hip-Pop dance music, letting the audience have atmosphere easily with jump up of felling. 。Each song that is in the album tells to say a youth story, the inside can let the customer find out an own total , and fine recollection.

⑺ 求《天官賜福》完整版(到252番外)百度雲,感謝!






⑻ 衣服尺碼165的一般是什麼個標准 衣服尺碼、標准



從2009年8月1日起,中國開始全國實施統一的《GB/T 1335.1-2008 服裝號型男子》、《GB/T 1335.2-2008 服裝號型女子》國家標准。由中華人民共和國國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局、中國國家標准化管理委員會發布的。



1、胸圍 (B0):沿胸部最豐滿處圍量一周。測量時要注意皮尺保持水平,緊度要保證人體正常的呼吸量。








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