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發布時間: 2022-04-24 03:43:10

『壹』 英語翻譯

這條褲子多少錢? 5元 How much is this pair of trousers?Five
你能幫助我嗎?(兩種) Can you help me ? Can you give me a hand?
在床上有一條褲子There is a pair of trousers on the bed.
這件藍色的毛衣多少錢?How much is this blue sweater?
你想要什麼顏色? What colour do you want?
我要把它們買下來I want to buy them.
非常感謝(兩種) Thank you very much. Thanks a lot.
我們有5元的藍色T恤衫 We have five yuan T-shirt.
過來親自看一下 Come and have a look.
這些書廉價出售 These books are sold in a low price.
我們出售10元的褲子 We sell ten yuan trousers.
任何人都能買得起 Anyone can afford it.

『貳』 媽媽喜歡那個藍色的毛衣它十五美元用英語,這么說.

My mother likes the blue sweater . It's fifteen dollars .
The blue sweater which my mother likes is 15 dollars .【定語從句】

『叄』 這件藍色的羊毛衫多少錢用英語怎麼說

How much is this blue sweater?

『肆』 那件毛衣多少錢用英語怎麼說what』s _ _of that sweater

What』s the price of that sweater?

『伍』 這件藍色的毛衣多少錢用英語來說,說兩種

How much does this blue sweater cost?
What's the price of this blue sweater?

『陸』 這件毛衣多少錢用英語怎麼說

你好,可以說是 how much of this sweather謝謝你的提問,望採納,謝謝

『柒』 漢譯英:狗在椅子上嗎 那件藍色的毛衣多少錢十九美元 你想買些什麼東西嗎 你想要什麼顏色的

Is the dog on the chair?

How much is the blue sweater?

It's 19 dollars.

Can I help you? / What can I do for you?

What color do you want?


『捌』 那件藍色的羊毛衫降價銷售,每件30美元用英語怎麼說

The blue sweater is on sale,30 dollars each

『玖』 藍色的毛衫50美元嗎用英語怎麼說

Is the blue sweater 50 dollars?


『拾』 這件毛衣多少錢一件英語

How much is this sweater
What is the price of this short sweather?

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