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⑴ 韓語"穿戴的動詞搭配片語"請教各位老師!

1.帽子類 使用的動詞是<쓰다>
帽子(모자)、鴨舌帽(조키 캡,아이비 캡) 禮帽 (실크 해트)、

耳環(귀걸이,귀고리,) 鼻環(코걸이) 項鏈(목걸이) : 使用的動詞是 <걸다>
胸針(브로치) 브로치를 달다 ,브로치를 하고 다니다.
手鏈(팔찌, 손목걸이) 腳鏈(발찌,발목걸이) : 使用的動詞是<차다,끼다>
發卡(헤어핀) 헤어핀을 하다

頭巾(머리수건), 圍巾(스카프) : 使用的動詞是 <두르다,쓰다>
假睫毛 (가짜 속눈썹) : 가짜 속눈썹을 붙히다
領結(리본 타이/보타이) 領帶(넥타이) : 使用的動詞是<매다>
手錶(손목 시계) : 손목 시계를 차다
護腕(손목 보호대) 護膝(무릎 보호대) : 使用的動詞是<착용하다>
眼鏡(안경) 隱形眼鏡(콘탁즈 렌즈,簡稱렌즈) : 墨鏡(산그라스)
眼鏡類的使用動詞是<쓰다 끼다 착용하다>,隱形眼鏡使用<착용하다>多一些.
面具(가면) 口罩(마스크) : 使用的動詞是<쓰다>
勛章(훈장) : 훈장을 달다
手套(장갑,글러브) : 장갑을 끼다. 注意 : 在韓國<수갑>是手銬的意思

4.服裝類 使用的動詞是<입다>
襯衫(샤츠/셔츠=와이샤츠)體恤(티셔츠) 西服(양복,정장)、軍裝(군복)、禮服(예복)、婚紗(웨딩드레스)、盔甲(갑옷)、毛衣(털실옷,쉐타=스워트) 西褲(정장바지,양복바지)、內衣(속옷)、內褲(팬티)、睡衣(잠옷,파자마)睡褲(잠옷바지)馬甲(조끼)、牛仔褲(청바지)、皮帶(가죽띠,허리띠,허리벨트) 裙子(치마,스커트)
細分時5分褲=반바지 , 7分褲=7부바지 8分褲=8부바지….
쫄바지 翻譯為<彈力褲或緊身褲>
女式襯衫 블라우스 外套 : 재킷,점퍼,코드 羽絨服 : 다운 連衣裙 : 원피스

鞋套(신발카바) 신발카바를 씌우다(帶鞋套).신발카바를 착용하다.(使用鞋套)
系鞋帶 : 신끈을 매다 解鞋帶 : 신끈을 풀다
扣紐扣 : 단추를 채우다. 解紐扣 : 단추를 풀다
別鑰匙 :키(열쇠)를 달다

⑵ 描寫衣服的詞語英文翻譯


1、clean 英[kliːn] 美[kliːn]

adj. 潔凈的; 干凈的; 愛干凈的; 愛整潔的; 無有害物的; 無污染的;

v. 除去…的灰塵; 使…干凈; 打掃; 變干凈; (烹調前給魚、雞等) 清除內臟;

adv. (行動) 徹底地,完全地;

[例句]He wore his cleanest slacks, a clean shirt and a navy blazer


2、閉態fortable 英[ˈkʌmftəbl] 美[ˈkʌmftəbl]

adj. 使人舒服的; 舒適的; 愉快放鬆的; 舒服的; 安逸的; 自信而無憂慮的; 自在的;

[例句]Trainers are so fortable to wear.


3、colorful 英[ˈkʌləfl] 美[ˈkʌlərfl]

adj. 鮮艷的;鮮明的; 有趣的;激動人心的;生動活潑的;

[例句]People wore colorful clothes and seemed to be having a good time.


4、suitable 英[ˈsuːtəbl] 美[ˈsuːtəbl]

adj. 合適的; 適宜的; 適當; 適用;

[例句]She had no other dress suitable for the occasion


5、popular 英[ˈpɒpjələ(r)] 美[ˈpɑːpjələr]

adj. 受喜愛的; 受歡迎的; 當紅的; 通俗的; 大眾化的; 普遍的; 大眾的; 流行的;

[例句]This is the most popular ball game ever devised



clothes 衣服,服裝 wardrobe 服裝 clothing 服裝 habit 個人依習慣.身份而著的服裝 ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣 garments 外衣 town clothes 外衣 double-breasted suit 雙排扣外衣 suit 男外衣 dress 女服 tailored suit 女式西服 everyday clothes 便服 three-piece suit 三件套 trousseau 嫁妝 layette 嬰兒的全套服裝 uniform 制服 overalls 工裝褲 rompers 連背心的背帶褲 formal dress 禮服 tailcoat, morning coat 大禮服 evening dress 夜禮服 dress coat, tails 燕尾服,禮服 nightshirt 男式晚禮服 dinner jacket 無尾禮服 (美作:tuxedo) full dress uniform 禮服制服 frock coat 雙排扣長禮服 gown, robe 禮袍 tunic 長袍 overcoat 男式大衣 coat 女大衣 topcoat 夾大衣 fur coat 皮大衣 three-quarter coat 中長大衣 st coat 風衣 mantle, cloak 斗篷 poncho 篷卻(南美人的一種斗篷) sheepskin jacket 羊皮夾克 pelisse 皮上衣 jacket 短外衣夾克 anorak, ffle coat 帶兜帽的夾克,帶風轎殲源帽的粗呢大衣 hood 風帽 scarf, muffler 圍巾 shawl 大披巾 knitted shawl 頭巾,編織的頭巾 fur stole 毛皮長圍巾 muff 皮手筒 housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣 (美作:ster) short dressing gown 短晨衣 bathrobe 浴衣 nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣 pyjamas 睡衣褲 (美作:pajamas) pocket 衣袋 lapel (上衣)翻領 detachable collar 假領,活領 wing collar 硬翻領,上漿翻領 V-neck V型領 sleeve 袖子 cuff 袖口 buttonhole 鈕扣孔 shirt 襯衫 blouse 緊身女衫 T-shirt 短袖圓領衫,體恤衫 vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt) polo shirt 球衣 middy blouse 水手衫 sweater 運動衫 short-sleeved sweater 短袖運動衫 roll-neck sweater 高翻領運動衫 round-neck sweater 圓領運動衫 suit, outfit, ensemble 套服 inset 兩件套,運動衫褲 jerkin 獵裝 kimono 和服 ulster 一種長而寬松的外套 jellaba, djellaba, jelab 帶風帽的外衣 cardigan 開襟毛衣 mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡膠雨衣 trousers 褲子 jeans 牛仔褲 short trousers 短褲 knickers 兒童燈籠短褲 knickerbockers 燈籠褲 plus fours 高爾夫球褲,半長褲 braces 褲子背帶 (美作:suspenders) turnup 褲角折邊,挽腳 breeches 馬褲 belt 褲帶 skirt 裙子 divided skirt, split skirt 裙褲 underskirt 內衣 underwear, underclothes 內衣褲 underpants, pants 內衣褲 (美作:shorts) briefs 短 *** ,三角褲 panties 女短 *** knickers 女半短 *** ,男用燈籠短褲 brassiere, bra 乳罩 corselet 緊身胸衣 stays, corset 束腰,胸衣 waistcoat 背心 slip, petticoat 襯裙 girdle 腰帶 stockings 長襪 suspenders 襪帶 (美作:garters) suspender belt 吊襪腰帶 (美作:garter belt) socks 短襪 tights, leotard 緊身衣褲 handkerchief 手帕 bathing trunks 游泳褲 bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣 bikini 比基尼泳衣 apron 圍裙 pinafore (帶護胸)圍裙 shoe 鞋 sole 鞋底 heel 鞋後跟 lace 鞋帶 moccasin 鹿皮鞋 patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋 boot 靴子 slippers 便鞋 sandal 涼鞋 canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋 clog 木拖鞋 galosh, overshoe 套鞋 glove 手套 tie 領帶 (美作:necktie) bow tie 蝶形領帶 cravat 領巾 cap 便帽 hat 帶沿的帽子 bowler hat 圓頂硬禮帽 top hat 高頂絲質禮帽 Panama hat 巴拿馬草帽 beret 貝蕾帽 peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖頂帽 broad-brimmed straw hat 寬邊草帽 headdress 頭飾 turban 頭巾 natural fabric 天然纖維 cotton 棉 silk 絲 wool 毛料 linen 麻 synthetic fabric 混合纖維 acryl 壓克力 polyester 伸縮尼龍 nylon 尼龍 worsted 呢料 cashmere 羊毛 patterns 花樣 tartan plaid 格子花 (美作:tartan) dot 圓點花 stripe 條紋 flower pattern 花紋花樣 veil 面紗。

3.關於衣服的英語單詞 翻譯

2. evening dress3. suit4. blouse5. jacket6. skirt7. tights8. scarf9. belt10. anorak11. coat12. T-shirt13. jeans14. shorts15. track suit16. leggings17. sweater19. slip20. pajamas21. night dress22. negligee23. underwear24. bra25. high-heel shoes26. platform shoes27. scandals28. slippers29. flip-flop30. boots31. hat32. sun hat34. cap35. flat cap36. woolly hat37. stetson 牛仔帽38. ngaree 工裝褲39. dressing gown40. stockings41. bracelet42. necklace43. earings44. ring45. string of pearls46. chain47. pendant48. brooch49. purse50. hand bag51. shoulder bag53. hair pin54. hairband55. curling tongs56. foundation57. foundaton powder58. liquid foundation59. loose powder60. brusher61. eye shadow62. eye liner63. mascara64. eyebrow pencil65. lip liner66. lipstick67. cleanser68. body lotion69. toner70. moisterizer71. cream72. concealer73. nail vanish/ polish74. nail polish remover75. sun block76. suntan cream77. sunscreen78. manicure79. pedicure80. lip brush81. eyebrow brush82. powder puff83. nail clipper84. nail file 指甲銼124. sanitary towel 兒童裝85. mitten86. booties87. disposable diapers88. sleeping suit89. snow suit90. bib 圍嘴91. rainboat 男裝92. trousers93. shirt94. sweat shirt95. vest96. pants97. waist coat98. blazer99. sports jacket100. windcheater101. briefs102. bowtie103. tie104. tie pin105. leather shoe106. walking boots107. lace-up108. slip on109. sneaker110. wallet111. gloves112. briefcase113. backpack114. sports strip115. socks116. hairspray117. hair gel118. mousse119. shaving foam120. razor121. electric razor122. razor blade123. after shave。



jacket(夾克衫) skirt(短裙) dress(長裙)

shoe(鞋子) coat(外衣) shirt(襯衫) T-shirt(T恤衫)

pants(褲子) socks(襪子) shorts(短褲)


















1. clothes 衣服,服裝 2. wardrobe 服裝 3. clothing 服裝 4. habit 個人依習慣.身份而著的服裝 5. ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣 6. garments 外衣 7. town clothes 外衣 8. double-breasted suit 雙排扣外衣 9. suit 男外衣 10. dress 女服 11. tailored suit 女式西服 12. everyday clothes 便服 13. three-piece suit 三件套 14. trousseau 嫁妝 15. layette 嬰兒的全套服裝 16. uniform 制服 17. overalls 工裝褲 18. rompers 連背心的背帶褲 19. formal dress 禮服 20. tailcoat, morning coat 大禮服 21. evening dress 夜禮服 22. dress coat, tails 燕尾服,禮服 23. nightshirt 男式晚禮服 24. dinner jacket 無尾禮服 (美作:tuxedo) 25. full dress uniform 禮服制服 26. frock coat 雙排扣長禮服 27. gown, robe 禮袍 28. tunic 長袍 29. overcoat 男式大衣 30. coat 女大衣 31. topcoat 夾大衣 32. fur coat 皮大衣 33. three-quarter coat 中長大衣 34. st coat 風衣 35. mantle, cloak 斗篷 36. poncho 篷卻(南美人的一種斗篷) 37. sheepskin jacket 羊皮夾克 38. pelisse 皮上衣 39. jacket 短外衣夾克 40. anorak, ffle coat 帶兜帽的夾克,帶風帽的粗呢大衣 41. hood 風帽 42. scarf, muffler 圍巾 43. shawl 大披巾 44. knitted shawl 頭巾,編織的頭巾 45. fur stole 毛皮長圍巾 46. muff 皮手筒 47. housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣 (美作:ster) 48. short dressing gown 短晨衣 49. bathrobe 浴衣 50. nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣 51. pyjamas 睡衣褲 (美作:pajamas) 52. pocket 衣袋 53. lapel (上衣)翻領 54. detachable collar 假領,活領 55. wing collar 硬翻領,上漿翻領 56. V-neck V型領 57. sleeve 袖子 58. cuff 袖口 59. buttonhole 鈕扣孔 60. shirt 襯衫 61. blouse 緊身女衫 62. T-shirt 短袖圓領衫,體恤衫 63. vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt) 64. polo shirt 球衣 65. middy blouse 水手衫 66. sweater 運動衫 67. short-sleeved sweater 短袖運動衫 68. roll-neck sweater 高翻領運動衫 69. round-neck sweater 圓領運動衫 70. suit, outfit, ensemble 套服 71. inset 兩件套,運動衫褲 72. jerkin 獵裝 73. kimono 和服 74. ulster 一種長而寬松的外套 75. jellaba, djellaba, jelab 帶風帽的外衣 76. cardigan 開襟毛衣 77. mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡膠雨衣 78. trousers 褲子 79. jeans 牛仔褲 80. short trousers 短褲 81. knickers 兒童燈籠短褲 82. knickerbockers 燈籠褲 83. plus fours 高爾夫球褲,半長褲 84. braces 褲子背帶 (美作:suspenders) 85. turnup 褲角折邊,挽腳 86. breeches 馬褲 87. belt 褲帶 88. skirt 裙子 89. divided skirt, split skirt 裙褲 90. underskirt 內衣 91. underwear, underclothes 內衣褲 92. underpants, pants 內衣褲 (美作:shorts) 93. briefs 短 *** ,三角褲 94. panties 女短 *** 95. knickers 女半短 *** ,男用燈籠短褲 96. brassiere, bra 乳罩 97. corselet 緊身胸衣 98. stays, corset 束腰,胸衣 99. waistcoat 背心 100. slip, petticoat 襯裙 101. girdle 腰帶 102. stockings 長襪 103. suspenders 襪帶 (美作:garters) 104. suspender belt 吊襪腰帶 (美作:garter belt) 105. socks 短襪 106. tights, leotard 緊身衣褲 107. handkerchief 手帕 108. bathing trunks 游泳褲 109. bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣 110. bikini 比基尼泳衣 111. apron 圍裙 112. pinafore (帶護胸)圍裙 113. shoe 鞋 114. sole 鞋底 115. heel 鞋後跟 116. lace 鞋帶 117. moccasin 鹿皮鞋 118. patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋 119. boot 靴子 120. slippers 便鞋 121. sandal 涼鞋 122. canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋 123. clog 木拖鞋 124. galosh, overshoe 套鞋 125. glove 手套 126. tie 領帶 (美作:necktie) 127. bow tie 蝶形領帶 128. cravat 領巾 129. cap 便帽 130. hat 帶沿的帽子 131. bowler hat 圓頂硬禮帽 132. top hat 高頂絲質禮帽 133. Panama hat 巴拿馬草帽 134. beret 貝蕾帽 135. peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖頂帽 136. broad-brimmed straw hat 寬邊草帽 137. headdress 頭飾 138. turban 頭巾 139. natural fabric 天然纖維 140. cotton 棉 141. silk 絲 142. wool 毛料 143. linen 麻 144. synthetic fabric 混合纖維 145. acryl 壓克力 146. polyester 伸縮尼龍 147. nylon 尼龍 148. worsted 呢料 149. cashmere 羊毛 150. patterns 花樣 151. tartan plaid 格子花 (美作:tartan) 152. dot 圓點花 153. stripe 條紋 154. flower pattern 花紋花樣 155. veil 面紗。


1、clothes 衣服

2、suit 西裝,套裝

3、dress 女服

4、uniform 制服

5、coat 大衣,外套

6、jacket 短外衣夾克

7、muffler 圍巾

8、rocket 衣袋

9、sweater 運動衫

10、blouse 緊身女衫

11、T-shirt 短袖圓領衫體恤衫

12、trousers 褲子

13、jeans 牛仔褲

14、short trousers 短褲

15、belt 褲帶


clothes 讀法 英 [kləʊðz] 美 [kloʊðz]

n(名詞). 服裝;衣服


1、mend clothes 補衣服

2、put on clothes 穿上衣服

3、sell clothes 賣衣服

4、sew clothes 縫衣服

5、take off clothes 脫下衣服

6、try on clothes 試衣服

7、old clothes 舊衣服




3、clothes前可用my, your, his或the, these, those, a few, other, much, a great deal of, a good many修飾(謂語動詞用復數),

也可用a pair of clothes, a suit of clothes修飾(謂語動詞用單數),但不可用數詞修飾。


clothes 衣服,服裝 wardrobe 服裝 clothing 服裝 garments 外衣 town clothes 外衣 double-breasted suit 雙排扣外衣 suit 男外衣 dress 女服 tailored suit 女式西服 everyday clothes 便服 three-piece suit 三件套 trousseau 嫁妝 layette 嬰兒的全套服裝 uniform 制服 overalls 工裝褲 rompers 連背心的背帶褲 formal dress 禮服 tailcoat, morning coat 大禮服 evening dress 夜禮服 dress coat, tails 燕尾服,禮服 nightshirt 男式晚禮服 dinner jacket 無尾禮服 (美作:tuxedo) full dress uniform 禮服制服 frock coat 雙排扣長禮服 gown, robe 禮袍 tunic 長袍 overcoat 男式大衣 coat 女大衣 topcoat 夾大衣 fur coat 皮大衣 three-quarter coat 中長大衣 st coat 風衣 mantle, cloak 斗篷 poncho 篷卻(南美人的一種斗篷) sheepskin jacket 羊皮夾克 pelisse 皮上衣 jacket 短外衣夾克 anorak, ffle coat 帶兜帽的夾克,帶風帽的粗呢大衣 hood 風帽 scarf, muffler 圍巾 shawl 大披巾 knitted shawl 頭巾,編織的頭巾 fur stole 毛皮長圍巾 muff 皮手筒 housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣 (美作:ster) short dressing gown 短晨衣 bathrobe 浴衣 nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣 shirt 襯衫 blouse 緊身女衫 T-shirt 短袖圓領衫,體恤衫 vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt) polo shirt 球衣 middy blouse 水手衫 sweater 運動衫 short-sleeved sweater 短袖運動衫 roll-neck sweater 高翻領運動衫 round-neck sweater 圓領運動衫 suit, outfit, ensemble 套服 inset 兩件套,運動衫褲 jerkin 獵裝 kimono 和服 ulster 一種長而寬松的外套 jellaba, djellaba, jelab 帶風帽的外衣 cardigan 開襟毛衣 mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡膠雨衣 trousers 褲子 jeans 牛仔褲 short trousers 短褲 knickers 兒童燈籠短褲 knickerbockers 燈籠褲 plus fours 高爾夫球褲,半長褲 braces 褲子背帶 (美作:suspenders) turnup 褲角折邊,挽腳 breeches 馬褲 belt 褲帶 skirt 裙子 divided skirt, split skirt 裙褲 underskirt 內衣 underwear, underclothes 內衣褲 underpants, pants 內衣褲 (美作:shorts) briefs 短 *** ,三角褲 panties 女短 *** knickers 女半短 *** ,男用燈籠短褲 brassiere, bra 乳罩 corselet 緊身胸衣 stays, corset 束腰,胸衣 waistcoat 背心 slip, petticoat 襯裙 socks 短襪 tights, leotard 緊身衣褲 bikini 比基尼泳衣 apron 圍裙 pinafore (帶護胸)圍裙。

⑶ 男友能單手解內衣扣子用英語怎麼說

Boyfriend can one hand bra clasp
英 [klɑː頌旁sp]
美 [klæsp]

n. 扣子,鉤子;握手
vt. 緊抱;畢仿扣緊;緊緊纏繞
vi. 扣住

clasp 扣野數橡子,扣住,別針
collar clasp 領鉤

⑷ bra是什麼意思翻譯及例句





英 [brɑː] 美 [brɑː]



胸罩; 乳罩; 巴西; 文胸 更多文胸資訊〉〉;

silicone bra

硅膠文胸; 硅膠胸墊; 硅膠隱形文胸; 自粘式硅膠胸罩;

nylon bra


seamless bra

無接縫胸罩; 無縫胸罩;

maternity bra



We have this teddy bra in black and red satin.


I can wear clingy shirts with no bra and no self-consciousness about it.


A bra and a pair of briefs lay on the floor 地板上有一個胸罩和一條短內褲。

A properly fitting bra should never leave red marks 合適的胸罩不會留下紅色勒痕。

I put on my bra and pants 我戴上乳罩,穿上內褲。

The bra has gone from being a fashion classic to a fashion cult 胸罩已經從經典時尚轉變為流行時尚。

She packed one change of underwear, eg a bra, pants, tights 她打點好一套替換的內衣物(如乳罩、 內褲 、 褲襪)。

She wears a ` D cup, ie size of bra 她戴罩杯尺寸為D的胸罩。

I'll keep my eye open for awarthog wearing your bra and panties 我會睜大眼睛,尋找穿著你的胸罩和內褲的疣豬。

The bra security is handled by Mr Price's diamond company 胸罩安全保障是由普萊斯先生的鑽石公司負責的。

An adjustable Diamond heart on a classic black bra strap 可調節鑽石心型扣在經典的黑色胸罩肩帶上。

Understanding of the new standards of " Knitted Belt Abdominal " and " Bra " 對《針織腹帶》 與《文胸》新標準的理解。

Japanese lingerie company has developed a concept bra a rice paddy 日本一家內衣公司日前推出一款可 種植 水稻的概念文胸。

She wears a'D cup, ie size of bra 她戴罩杯尺寸為d的胸罩。

An adjustable Diamond heart with a classic pink bra strap 可調節鑽石心型扣和經典的粉紅色胸罩肩帶。

If you have a large bust, invest in a good support bra 如果你的胸很大, 就應當選用支撐能力好的胸罩。

Bra sellers say few of their clients are unnaturally endowed 文胸銷售商表示,他們的顧客中很少有人是做過豐胸的。

The invention relates to a reversible bra and the manufacturing methodthereof 本發明涉及一種正反兩面穿文胸及其製作 方法 。

An adjustable Diamond heart on a classic white bra strap 可調節鑽石心型扣在經典的白色胸罩肩帶上。

Please remove only your bra ( brassiere ) and put on this rob 請脫下您的胸衣穿上這件外袍。

PANTY & BRA SET COTTON, LACE , LYCRA IN USA SIZES 女褲或是胸罩套棉, 花邊, 以美國標准碼的彈性?

The theory behind bra size calculation is arcane and somewhat magical 胸罩尺寸計算器背後的理論是有點神秘和神奇了


With busy family lives and demanding work scheles, it can be difficult to find time for household chores.

在繁忙的家庭生活和苛求的工作安排之下,找到時間來做 家務活 是很難的。

One woman revealed how it is often the laundry that falls to the bottom of her to-do list, admitting she only washes her three bras once a month.


Taking to Mumsnet, the woman said she was 'horrified' at her routine but reasoned that 'boobs are clean' so it was acceptable to re-wear them 10 times before washing.


The confession sparked a debate on the online forum, with some users branding the habit 'gross' while others argued more frequent washes could damage the bra.


Advice from high-end lingerie brand Rigby And Peller suggests bras should be washed after every two wears.


One Mumsnet user who said she was 'shocked' by the confession wrote: 'I wear a clean one everyday, I thought everybody did.'


Another posted: 'I change my bra every day and put into the wash with everything else I've worn that day. I wouldn't wear something more than once without washing.'


One similarly disgusted user wrote: 'You should hand wash your bra after every use. I'm repulsed at the idea of re-wearing a bra - imagine all the sweat.'


Many said it depended on the situation, with one explaining she washed her bra 'after every wear' because she has an 'active job and they would stink' if she didn't.


Another user argued that she could re-wear her bra once or twice unless it was 'obviously dirty' or had something 'spilled on it'.


Justifying her position, one pointed out she was following the instructions of the bra fitter. 'They are expensive and washing too much ruins them,' she said.

一名用戶為了證明她的立場,指出自己只是遵照了文胸 說明書 的做法而已。她說道:“文胸很貴,洗的次數太多就會毀掉它們。”

Others were quick to agree with the woman asking the question. One woman wrote: 'My bras don't smell. I feel sorry for people who need to wash theirs after every wear! Perhaps it depends on your size.'



1. 兒童內衣廣告詞

2. 內衣的經典廣告語大全

3. 內衣公司簡介範文4篇

4. 胸罩的創意廣告詞

5. 胸罩英文怎麼說

6. 創意內衣平面廣告

⑸ 女式內衣 文胸 性感內衣 內褲 打底褲等的英文 求同行幫忙翻譯下

你面對的是國外的客戶? 最好買幾本國外的時尚雜志,類似國外男人裝,看看地道的表達方式和常用語,會對你有用的;

⑹ CK內衣英語專業詞彙翻譯!!急!

Steel Electric – Special Edition – hip brief 特別版-提臀三角褲
Foil Sport Knit – s/s crew 針織運動衣-圓領內衣
Foil Logo Gift Set – s/s crew with trunk 贈品套-圓領內衣(帶平角內褲)
Bedazzled – hip brief Bedazzled -提臀三角褲
Prostretch Fun Waistband – hip brief 紅色拉伸腰-提臀三角褲
Prostretch Fun Waistband – trunk 紅色拉伸腰-平角內褲
Woven Traditional Fit Boxer 機織傳統的合體四角短褲
Woven Slim Fit Boxer 機織瘦版合體四角短褲
Knit Slim Fit Boxer 編織的轎敗瘦版合體四角短褲
Holiday- Woven boxer w/ exposed w/b 假日版-機織四角短褲
Valentine- Woven boxer w/ exposed w/b 情人版-機織四角短褲
Woven Sleepwear – pant 機織睡衣褲-睡褲
Woven Sleepwear – l/s pj top 機織睡衣褲-睡衣
Flannel Loungewear – pant 法蘭絨家居服-褲子
Flannel Loungewear –顫帆悔 l/s pj top 法蘭絨家居服-上衣
Drip Sportknit – pant 下垂式針織運動衣-褲子
Drip Sportknit – l/s crew 下垂式針織運動衣-圓領上衣
Data Sportknit – pant (print) 下垂式針織運動衣-褲子(印花)
Data Sportknit – l/s v neck (solid) 下垂式針織運動衣-圓領上衣(單一色)
French Terry Sport Knit – jacket 法式厚絨針織運動衣-夾克
French Terry Sport Knit – pant 法式厚絨針織運動衣-褲子
Cotton Stretch T European fit – s/s crew 棉質彈力服(歐式合體)-圓領
Warmwear - Top 保暖服-上衣
Warmwear - Long John 保暖服-長褲
Warmwear – Trunk 保暖服-四角平褲

new slim fit regular waist 新款瘦版中腰合體
slim fit low waist 瘦版低腰合體
cigarette low waist 直筒低腰
classic regular jean 經典中腰牛仔
super low rise flare jean 超低腰茄正喇叭褲

⑺ 請教英文高手幾個關於內衣名詞的翻譯,外貿業務急需,謝謝了!

分類: 教育/科學 >> 外語學習




文胸肩帶:x-shape shoulder strap

花邊蔽拍(帶花邊的肩帶)團塌: lace(shoulder strap with lace)

鉤圈: round hook




背扣:back button

⑻ 內衣英語翻譯,具體部位

Cup side ear from taipa

Cup FengJuan bits do not measure high ()

Cup laps long (quantity bundle a middle)

Heart left top kuo (empty volume)

Heart left high

Chicken heart kuo (quantity to side rib)

Heart left side glue bone long

Side rib high

Side glue bone long

Than bent in high

Inside than long to first buckle under

Flower seed

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