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发布时间: 2023-05-10 08:58:40

❶ 带帽子的抖音是什么音乐


❷ 张艺兴帽子戏法音乐叫什么


❸ 少女时代有一首歌开通是哎哟GG - - MV他们扔帽子

那歌叫 I Got A Boy!望采纳!

❹ 有个视频 里面有个老人在站在街上 把帽子放在地下 唱了一首英文歌 那首歌

Possibility - Tiffany Alvord
I look at you, you look at me

I look away, so you can't see

I'm dreamin' of you

And you don't even know, you don't even know

That I'm falling madly in love

With you, with you,

And I wish that you were going crazy for me too.

And I sit alone in the darkest night.

My heart is pounding and I wonder why,

Why am I invisible, why can't you see

I'm in love with you? Are you in love with me?

You show some signs, but I'm not sure.

It's a secret love, and you're the cure.

I just need to know
What you think about me, about me.

Cause I'm falling madly in love

With you, with you,

And I wish that you were going crazy for me too.

And I sit alone in the darkest night.

My heart is pounding and I wonder why,

Why am I invisible, why can't you see

I'm in love with you? Are you in love with me?

And don't you think that maybe you and me

Could be a possibility.

I just wish that, baby, you could see, you could see...

That I'm falling madly in love

With you, with you,

And I wish that you were going crazy for me too.

And I sit alone in the darkest night.

My heart is pounding and I wonder why,

Why am I invisible, why can't you see

I'm in love with you? Are you in love with me?

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