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发布时间: 2023-06-15 18:12:19

Ⅰ "商务休闲男装"用英语怎么说谢谢

Commercial men's casual


Ⅱ casual wear 是什么品牌

Casual wear is typically the dress code in which new forms of gender expression are attempted before being accepted into semi-casual or semi-formal situations. An obvious example is masculine jewelry, which was once considered shocking or titillating even in casual circles, and is now hardly noteworthy in semi-formal situations. Amelia Bloomer introced trousers (of a sort) for women as a casual alternative to formal hoops and skirts. In a recent mirror image, sarongs and other skirts have been embraced by a few men of the European tradition as a casual alternative to formal trousers. Both of these innovations caused great embarrassment in formal circles.

Ⅲ 翻译 商务休闲男装英文怎么翻译

Bussiness Casual

Ⅳ 衣服上有个小鹿子标志的那是什么品牌

有个小鹿标志的品牌是Abercrombie&Fitch ,它美国休闲第一大牌,是当今年轻人最青睐的品牌,也是美国大学生最IN的品牌之一,于1892年在美国纽约被创立。

A&F(abercrombie & fitch),以高格调、高质量及超清新的风格,由美加各地,不断漫延开来,造成全球新时尚的新指标。走美国街头随便风格(casual wear),深受欧美和亚洲青少年的喜爱。


Abercrombie&Fitch(常简称A&F)是一家美国的零售商,公司现任的主席与执行长为麦克·杰佛瑞斯(Mike Jeffries)。A&F在美国有超过三百家的店铺,也持续在其他国家设立新据点。A&F旗下有三个附属品牌,分别是abercrombie(童装)、Hollister Co.和Gilly Hicks。1892年创立于美国纽约的Abercrombie & Fitch,已是美国本土的百年品牌。 A&F(abercrombie & fitch),以高格调、高质量及超清新的风格,由美国各地,不断蔓延开来,创造全球新时尚的新指标。A&F走美国街头随便风格,深受世界各地青少年的喜爱,都愿意穿着Abercrombie Fitch,认为这是一种时尚新潮。

Abercrombie Fitch_网络

Ⅳ "利郎商务休闲男装"用英语怎么说


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