当前位置:首页 » 裤子搭配 » 这条裤子多少美元的英文


发布时间: 2023-02-28 11:47:13

❶ 这条白裤子多少元答:二十美元。(两种)汉译英

How much is that pair of white trousers?

It's twenty dollars.

❷ “这条裤子多少钱” “9美元” 用英语写

“这条裤子多少钱” “9美元” 用英语写:"How much are these trousers?" "9 dollars,见下图网络翻译

❸ 这条裤子多少钱用英语怎么说三种说法

1、How much are these pants?
2、What's the cost of the trousers?
3、How much does this pair of trousers cost?
4、What's the price of the pants?

❹ 一条裤子20美元怎么翻译

一条裤子20美元: <裤子>是有分:
(1)短裤=Twenty (American) dollars for a pair of pants;
(2)裤子(美国英语)=Twenty (American) dollars for a pair of trousers.长裤
(3) 简单地: $20 a pair (of trousers).

❺ “这条裤子多少钱” “9美元” 用英语写出来。

how much is this pair of trousers
nine dollars

❻ 用英语翻译:这条裤子多少钱

How much is this trousers!


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