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发布时间: 2023-01-02 22:40:42

Ⅰ 各种帽子的英文翻译是什么


英 [kab]美 [kab]


1. The young cowboy from South Carolina is a stranger in these parts, but the territory is no stranger to horsemen and horses.

2. The'Cowboy Casanova'singer does her best to eat healthily and has to make a " conscious effort " not to dine out in restaurants.

3. Walls lined with bottles of wine and old cigar boxes mash with more cowboy posters.

4. A combo of cowboy and classic rock fills the speakers seven days a week.

5. Bush " that retarded cowboy fellow " while hosting MTV's Video Music Awards.

6. Occasionally there is a ripple in the crowd as the cowboy swagger boils over and punches fly in the closely packed stadium.

7. The cowboy romance " Brokeback Mountain " led the Golden Globes on Monday with four prizes, including best dramatic film and the directing honor for Ang Lee.

8. The story follows an orphaned cowboy who falls in love with a beautiful weaver, who is also the youngest daughter of the Empress of Heaven.

9. He came to Washington that January to celebrate the newly established relationship, to don a cowboy hat and savor some Americana.

冬帽的英文翻译:Winter cap

1. The company is specializing in the proction process hat instry enterprises, mainly engaged in various Yundong Mao, knitting caps, anesthesia apparatus, winter cap.


2. Our company procts using cotton, hemp, wool, silk, nylon, leather, leather, salt grass, paper and all kinds of blended fabrics and other raw materials, sub-varieties of knitted hat, visor cap, ±, basins hat, cloth hat, paper straw hat, braided hat, sun hat, cowboy hat, a molding cap, winter hat, straw hat, hat and other major series.


3. Installed in high-grade men and women handbags, travel bags, backpacks, school bags, cloth, a sun hat, winter hat, ±, fisherman hat, fashion cap, etc., and sections such as fashion handbag leisure handbag leather manufacturer.


4. Whoever winter and cold wind, little girl only wearing broken clothes and cap standing in town street looking for someone to buy her match.


5. In northern winter a seasonal polar cap composed of carbon dioxide ice forms in the north polar region.


针织帽的英文翻译:Knitted hat

1. Our company procts using cotton, hemp, wool, silk, nylon, leather, leather, salt grass, paper and all kinds of blended fabrics and other raw materials, sub-varieties of knitted hat, visor cap, ±, basins hat, cloth hat, paper straw hat, braided hat, sun hat, cowboy hat, a molding cap, winter hat, straw hat, hat and other major series.


2. A hand-knitted wool hat.


3. This is a knitted hat. Sorry to have woken you up. Bless you. Here is a warmer pack. You will use it, right? Yes!


4. I knitted this hat myself.


5. Undertake all the year round hat, knitted scarf and so on Proct.


6. Functions in the weaving is not inferior to imports of computer flat knitting machine, is the proction of knitted hat, knitted scarf and so on the best proction equipment, is currently priced at 78, 000 yuan.


Ⅱ “冬天戴的毛线帽子”英文怎么说

"Winter wool hat
英 [hæt] 美 [hæt]
n. 帽子; (帽子所表示的)职位,职务;
vt. 给…戴上帽子,为…提供帽子;
vi. 供应帽子; 制造帽子;

Ⅲ 帽子的英语单词

[词典] hat; cap; label; tag; chapeau;
Ladies remove their hats in a concert.

Ⅳ yarn毛线的英文怎么读


Ⅳ 毛线帽子没有檐的英语

beanie 毛线帽,无檐小便帽
毛线帽子没有檐这句话The knitting wool hat without brim.

Ⅵ “冬天戴的毛线帽子”英文怎么说呢

Winter wear wool hat

Ⅶ 帽子的英文是什么


帽子的英文: cap 帽子的英文 : hat 帽子的英文 同义词 辨析:

cap, hat


cap : 指无边的便帽,呀表示职业的帽子,如运动帽、军帽等。

hat : 指有边的帽子,尤指礼帽。


cap (或 北美

1. 谦卑地请求


we have to &B{go cap in hand} begging for funds.

if the cap (或 北美

1. 如果说得有理,就该接受

set one's cap at (或 美

1. (旧)(妇女)设法诱使(某男子)成为求婚者

to cap it all

1. 最倒霉(或不幸)的是


she was on edge, her nerves taut, and to cap it all, she could feel the beginnings of a headache.

cap in hand

1. 尊敬地或卑躬地;谦逊地

set (one's) cap for

1. 女追男,挑逗男子:竭力吸引或赢得…使成为配偶

be all hat and no cattle

1. (美,非正式)空谈,夸夸其谈

black hat (或 white hat)

1. [用于指西部片场景中可通过帽子颜色判断出来的坏人或好人]黑帽(或白帽)


we are the good guys—the black hats lost.

hats off to ——

1. 向…致敬


hats off to them for agreeing to work for the day to raise money.

keep something under one's hat

1. 将…保密

pass the hat round (或北美pass the hat)

1. 筹集钱款

pick something out of a hat

1. 随机挑出(尤指比赛中的获胜者)

take one's hat off to

1. 向 (取得成就之人)…致敬(或表示钦佩)

throw one's hat in or into the ring

1. 欣然迎战,接受挑战

at the drop of a hat

1. 以很小的事为借口或因很小的事而激怒

hat in hand

1. 卑躬屈膝地;谦恭的

pass the hat

1. 募捐:进行钱的募集

take (one's) hat off to

1. 向某人表示赞赏、钦佩或祝贺

talk through (one's) hat

1. 胡说八道

2. 虚张声势

throw (one's) hat into the ring 或 toss (one's) hat into the ring

1. 参加竞选:作为职位的候选人参加政治竞赛


1. He wears a cap to cover a spot of baldness.


2. He was wearing a cream silk shirt and a tartan golfing cap.

他身着一件米色丝绸衬衫,头戴一顶花格子 高尔夫球 帽。

3. He had offered the loan of his small villa at Cap Ferrat.


4. The only new cap is Llanelli's 20-year-old left-wing Wayne Proctor.


5. Her cap fell off in the street and blew away.


6. Harry'sappointment to this important post was a feather in his cap.


7. The man touched the peak of his cap.


8. He snapped the cap on his ballpoint.


9. He pulled the cap halfway over his ears.


10. He wears his baseball cap back to front.

他把 棒球 帽反戴着。

11. I'm having "John Law" engraved on the cap.


12. Winning the gold medal was a feather in his cap.


13. Jacelin slapped his cap on and ran out of the office.


14. It was a feather in his cap to win the Nobel Prize.


15. Some of the students commented humorously on their teacher's cap.


1. Stan Dean, easily identifiable by his oddly-shaped hat, sat in a doorway.


2. This design knocks everything else into a cocked hat.


3. She wore a little nurse's hat on her head to identify her.


4. Fuentes tore off his hat and flung it to the ground.


5. Issa's white beach hat gleamed in the harsh lights.


6. Professors are passing the hat to help staff in their department.


7. He wore a panama hat and a crisp white suit.


8. He kept it all very much under his hat.


9. I take my hat off to Mr Clarke for taking this action.


10. A man with a paper hat upon his head was gesticulating wildly.


11. Markus has wrapped up warmly in a woolly hat.


12. I wouldn't be seen dead in a straw hat.


13. On her blonde wavy hair, the white hat looked nicely prim.


14. Several styles of hat were available.


15. She wore this woolly hat with pompoms.

Ⅷ 球球帽毛线帽用英语怎么说

Ball cap, wool cap
毛线wool; knitting wool; woolen yarn; hand knitting yarn; caddice

Ⅸ 毛线的英文是什么


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